Rachel E. Humphreys, creative owner of the Mental Health Mastery Academy, is your women’s, family, & organizational mental health & wellness coach and consultant. Rachel is a master of habit change, a mental health advocate, and a catalyst for sparking change in the lives of as many people as possible. Highly qualified, Rachel holds a Bachelors of Science, Associates of Business, and is a certified Health/Life Coach, ISSA Elite Fitness Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, & Colon Hydro-therapist. Rachel is also known for her work as a private coach/trainer, author, public speaker, social media influencer, & online educator. After years of multi-million dollar level corporate management experience, as well as executive team level marketing directorship, and long time student of health & wellness. Rachel became a creative entrepreneur, mentor, and social media influencer by founding her mental health focused health & wellness company in 2017. With a unique and dynamic approach to transformation, Rachel works with an international audience and client base.

Through specializing in wellness, mental health, & fitness, Rachel helps her private and corporate clients achieve health, happiness, and stability to achieve more success on a day to day basis. Rachel helps her clients overcome daily mental health setbacks, implement integrative health practices, and overcome perceived obstacles so nothing can stand in their way. Not even themselves! In addition to Rachel’s expansive academic and professional studies, she utilizes decades of intense personal transformation experience in order to lead and guide her clients along a journey towards ultimate transformation. Rachel believes the best way to achieve lasting and enjoyable change is to transform through an integrative approach. Change is not for the faint of heart but with faith and courage anything is possible. Learn more about Rachel’s personal story, credentials, & products and services here.